From a love of singing sprung a love for choirs, and conducting followed naturally from there.
As well as my choirs, I absolutely love the new music group I founded, No Dice Collective. There I get to commission new pieces as well as work on our podcast and coordinate initiatives to get more people interested in contemporary classical music.
If you’d like to book me or one of my groups, please click ‘get in touch’ at the bottom of the screen.
– Joe

Conducting No Dice Collective at our 2018 concert about the Christmas Apocalypse
Conducting Salford Sings for some Christmas carols (no plug for the piano)
Salford Community Choir (MAPAS) sheet music-reading community choir 2020-
Salford Sings (Pendleton Together Choir) 2019-2020
Kendal Calling with No Dice Collective 2018
Eccles Daytime Choir perform on BBC Radio Manchester 2017
Eccles Daytime Choir small community choir 2017-2020
University of Manchester Staff Choir “Let’s Sing!” 2016-2020
No Dice Collective (founder, director) instrumental new music ensemble 2015-
Cover sessions:
- Warrington Musical Society for Seb Marshall November 2019
- Cantores Olicanae, Mozart Requiem, for Rory Johnston September 2019
- Salford City Council workplace choir, three rehearsals March 2019
- Darwen Ladies Choir cover for Abi Kitching June 2018
“ Joined the choir at work and spent my lunch hour singing… it was joyous and now I feel wonderful. ”
Jess N-H (UoM staff choir)
“ Always professional in his approach, extremely patient & sensitive to the choir’s strengths & weaknesses.
Over a year with our community choir (Salford Sings) he has shaped a random group of ‘non-singers’ into a real choir with confidence in our ability to perform.
He has transformed us into choral addicts, as well as improving our breathing & social life! ”
Marian Kamanalagi